Where Do My Fees Go?

ABASA WhereDoMyFeesGo Website

*ABYSA: Fields 11%, Lights 4%, Registration 26% fees are made up of 3 main components; fields, registration and lighting. There is simply not enough field space in the slopes and valleys of this soccer crazy region to meet demand. ABYSA has been given special rights by the county to manage JBL and Buncombe County Sports Park. After they meet their league’s needs, we are given next priority. We have been able to increase field availability and therefore, more soccer opportunities to you, by making use of field lighting for weeknight leagues. Also, ABYSA handles our registration through their system and using their paid staff, for which, they pass the costs onto us.

**NCASA charges $30 / player / year, so $18 / $100 fee is due to varying fees and players playing multiple times throughout the year. ***The “Other expenses” category includes field fees paid to high schools, State Cup reimbursement, Sportsmanship award, supplies, meeting expenses and bank charges.

***The “Other expenses” category includes field fees paid to high schools, State Cup reimbursement, Sportsmanship award, supplies, meeting expenses and bank charges.